Invisible Needs: Using Photovoice to Discuss the Homeless' Difficulties in Ordinary Life
Yiwen Cheng  1@  
1 : National Taipei University of technology  (Taipei Tech)  -  Website
1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd. Taipei 10608 -  Taiwan

Cooperating with the homeless NGO, Working Poor United, we held three-stage photovoice workshops to discuss the homeless' needs and difficulties in their ordinary life from April to July 2017 in Taipei. This paper would elaborate how we conduct and what we have found from the process.

In Taiwan, homeless people have been facing social exclusion severely and thus had limited access to social, economic and political opportunities. Under this circumstance, how do homeless people think about their current situation and how they perceive the relationship among these difficulties they faced here? Without figuring out the above questions from the homeless' perspective, how is it possible to reach the goal— reintegrating homeless into society— as stated by most policies?

In this context, the topic--what stone you want to take away from your life--was proposed, and all the participants had to take pictures according to this question in the photovoice workshops we held. Through a series of photo-taken and discussion, the issue of sleeping can be visualized as the major plight in process of participatory need assessment, which has ignored by most existing studies but further led us to reflect on how to create a friendly public space.

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